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Style: Rageforged

Race: Human/Wolf

Gender: Male

Height: 6'

Weight: 220 lbs.

Hometown: Green Town


  • Super Strength

  • Agility

  • Sharp Claws


Marokthu was a simple farmer living by the woods down stream from a bubbling brook. He lived with his wife and kids and tended to his farm day in and day out. Never getting in trouble he was liked by all. This simple life he leads however changed one faithful night when down by the river he meet a woman in need. She wore dark black and gray robes with red accents.

“Ma'am, are you okay.”

She rose up off the ground and hovered in the air. Her face describable, hidden behind a veil of darkness. The farmer not familiar with the what-not of the war had no Idea he had stumbled upon a Graykin Forger. Not just any Forger, but Esmeralda the Banished. With rage in her heart for all men she used her magic to immediately curse and forge Marokthu. He was mangled into a half man half wolf abomination. With unknown power and hatred Marokthu returned to his home. Esmeralda was pleased at what he did next. The power he showed as he ripped through his loved ones was undeniably an asset to the war. In an attempt to make amends she sent her new war wolf back the Graykin empire to assist and hopefully to please.


Greykin Empire

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