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Style: Captain

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 6'

Weight: 190 lbs.

Hometown: Unknown


  • Heightened Senses


Back, a long way before the Order of the Lum was fully realized, battles spew across the land and into cities. In one such city, a helpless girl was crying, surrounded by two war stained armies. Blinded by bloodlust neither group saw the girl who was undoubtedly stuck in the center of the fray. With a few of his comrades by his side, AOneEyedCrow jumped into the city square. With his pinpoint eyesight and quick reflexes, he avoided every weapon. Making his way to the girl he through up his feathered cape protecting them like a shield. A89W had dropped down behind enemy lines and disposed of some soldiers quickly with his huge club he deemed Shatterbone. More crows joined the fight and soon all that stood to remain was hurt bodies, feathers, and a safe girl. She took AOneEyedCrow and the others to her father a fabled blacksmith. There he created the Watchful Helmet. A piece of gear infused with sorcery to mimic the heightened senses AOneEyedCrow was naturally born with. It was then because of his selflessness and his superb leadership qualities the Crows named AOneEyedCrow, Captain of their clan.


Watchful Crows

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