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Style: Savior

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11''

Weight: 183 lbs.

Hometown: Brithoria


  • Expert Marksman



TactualAbyss was sitting quietly in his home, when, he heard the loud commotion of a battle in the town's square. Quickly he ran up To his bedroom and out onto his balcony. Fires could be seen lighting up the dark night sky. TactualAbyss made his way outside and flagged down the culprits of the explosions. "In here quick." After the town quieted down the leader of the group spoke to TactualAbyss. "Thank you, friend. My name is AOneEyedCrow. These are my Watchful Crows. I'm sure your curious why we attacked your city?"

"Nope, I'm well aware of what the king has been up to. I support your actions crow. More then you know. In the morning I shall lead you out of the city and to safety. I know these lands well."

That was the day TactualAbyss left his home and joined the crows. Quickly rising in ranks and becoming a close compatriot to the captain. Leading lost souls into the Watchful Crows folds. Never remaining in the fortress for long and always helping others find their way.


Watchful Crows

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